Friday, May 28, 2010

Remote Control War Par 1

1. How is fighting an enemy with predator drones different from fighting hand-to-hand combat? How is it similar?

Ans- They are different because they shout and or kill people from a distance. But they are similar because they both kill people

2. Is fair to fight with predator drones when your enemy doesn’t have that technology?

Ans- No its not fail but it does give you the advantage

3. Would you be interested in flying predator drones for the military? Why or why not?

Ans- I wouldn't be interested in flying predator drones for the military because if i ever get married when i grow up and then gown the military then it will be close to impossible to visit my family just like that man in the video. Plus also like that man in the video he lives in fear of dieing and never seeing his family again


lahana said...

MBetances- perhaps you should watch the video again.
The man flying the drones doesn't fear for his life. On the contrary, he safely sits thousands of miles away from where the war is. Unlike most soldiers, he gets to go home to his family every night!