Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3 topics and ideas

I think that the movie shark is a movie that talks about the way that some seals have to swim 4 their lives because if they don't they will get eaten by the grate white shark and that is really esay to get eaten because the sharks spread is really fast. the animals that live their are sharks and seals. The different from this place and new york city is that t
his place is only sea and water but in new york their are trees and streets and sidewalks in the ocean its a beautiful place to see at night but their are no streets.

i think that the movie fox and duck was interesting because the mother fox even thought she took the duckling from its mother
 she herself had a family to feed. the animals that live in this area are ducks small and dig and fox family's. This place is not as good as new york city because this you have to kill other family to get food for your family it like killing to survive. 

i think that the video doesn't show that much
 animals that live in the jungle but the only animals that they show is the
birds but i think that other aminals live their like a fish or a cheeth. the jungals
are are nothing a like ny in nt we have less trees and less wild birds.
i thik that the most interesting is he duch and fox because the fox is
geting food for its young but kills the duck for food


lahana said...

Some people call New York the "concrete jungle". Can you think of some ways that New York is like a wild jungle?