Friday, October 29, 2010

Sweatshops Made In L.A Part 2

1.  Who does Forever 21 blame for the sweatshops?  Why?

- The people of Forever 21 are blaming are the manufacture people because they don't pay the workers enough. The people of Forever 21 are blaming these people because they don't want Forever 21 to be the ones that the fingers are being pointed to.

2.  What’s wrong with Forever 21′s argument?

- The thin that is wrong with the Forever 21 argument is that the workers ma most likely lose because their up against a whole company 

3.  Why do the workers continue to protest even if it means they might lose their jobs?

- The workers proceed to protest against Forever 21 even thought they might lose their jobs because they believe they should fight for their right to get paid at least minimum wage.


lahana said...

...actually, I think what's wrong with Forever 21's argument is that they are the ones that pay so little to the contractors and give them strict deadlines...